Policies & Procedures
If your child will be absent from school, please report the absence to excusedresnotes@flaglerschools.com or complete the Student Absence Form within five days of returning to school. Please include the student's full name, grade, teacher, date of absence along with the reason, and when possible, attach a doctor's note.
Students are allowed up to 5 parent excused notes per semester (the semesters run from August-December or January-May) not exceeding 10 per school year. Students may not exceed a total of 15 absences per school year. Students who are excessively absent, tardy or leave school early may be referred to our Guidance Department for intervention assistance. Students who continue to be excessively absent will be monitored by our district office and may be referred for additional services or to the State Attorney's Office per Flagler County Schools' Student Code of Conduct.
Student dismissal is a very busy time in the school's front office. In order to ensure a smooth transition during dismissal each day, we ask that you:
- Notify the office in writing if there is any change in how your student will be getting home from school. Without written notification, your student will be sent home the way they normally go home.
- Notify the school when there is a need to check your student out early for a doctor’s appointment or emergency. All changes to travel method home must be made prior to 1:30 pm. We need ample time to notify teachers and staff.
- Always have your ID available and ready to check your student out of school.
- To ensure the safety of our students, the school's front office will be closed for student pick up between 3:15 pm–3:55 pm each day, except in the case of emergencies or doctor’s appointments.
Early Dismissal
Students should not be released early unless it is an emergency. If your student needs to leave school early, a guardian or designated person over the age of 18 must come to the front office and sign them out. This person must be listed on the Student Information Form submitted at the beginning of the year.
- Identification must be shown before the student will be released.
- The school receptionist will contact your student's teacher and have the student sent to the office for dismissal.
- Students will not be called to go to the front desk until the guardian (or designee) has arrived at school.
- Please plan for it to take at least 20 minutes for your student to be sent to the office.
Extended Day
Flagler Technical College (FTC) provides on-campus services before school and after school. For more information visit the Extended Day page.
Safety Drills
Throughout the course of the year, Rymfire Elementary School will conduct fire, tornado, and color-coded safety drills, to ensure that our students know how to respond and be safe in the event of a real emergency. Parents are notified when students partake in Code Red drills, so that families have an opportunity to continue the conversation at home. If we have to have a Code Red that is not a practice, families will be notified via a Robo call and via the district website.
School Start Time
While Walkers is always an option, the preferred, safest and most efficient forms of transportation for your child are Car Riders or Buses.
Please review the Family and Student Handbook for important information and policies for this school year.