PE Rules
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
- Follow directions the first time they are given
- Be kind to others; no negative comments
- Be prepared for class (proper clothing)
- Treat school property with respect
Students need to dress appropriately to participate in PE class. All students need to wear clothing that allows freedom of movement and full participation. If a student wears a dress or skirt, shorts should be worn underneath. Sneakers or shoes that cover the toes are required. No flip-flops, platform shoes, "heelies," or sandals are allowed. Students may not be able to play if they do not have the correct footwear.
If a student cannot participate in PE, they must have a dated note from their parents. After 20 days a note from your doctor is required to excuse a student from PE.
All injuries need to be reported to the PE teacher immediately. Please do not leave class until you have told your PE teacher about your injury, no matter how minor.
Robert Cerasi
Marc Fox
Kate Sturman